Origin: Malaysia
Female: 10 cm
Male: 8 cm
Wings: Yes but only males can fly
Reproduction: Parthenogen/Sexual - in capture only parthenogen reproduction is known as males are rare
Defence: Only defence is their excellent cammouflage
No. og eggs: 80-100
Cycle of laying eggs: First egg five weeks after moulting to adult, one egg per day
Hatching time: 5.5 to 14 months
Temperature: >25 deg C
Humidity: >80%
Food: Bramble, oak, raspbery, Guava
Reproduction: Parthenogen/Sexual - in capture only parthenogen reproduction are known as males are rare
Collecting eggs and keeping log for a single femaleGraphs from studies
Sexual breeding experiments with my four last malesMale pictures
Care sheet for Phyllium giganteum
Giganteum White and Dark Brown Egg
Giganteum male L4
Giganteum Sub-Adult Oct 2014
Three males L4, L5 and adult
Male, Subadult (April 2015)
Giganteum adult male
Egg ready to drop
Three giganteum males
hatching box - 500 eggs
Giganteum mating
Male on female